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motion sickness 【醫學】運動病〔指暈車、暈船等〕。


As the human senses of hearing and motion detection both use the inner ear and similar sensors and low frequency motions will produce low frequency sounds it is not supprising that low frequency sound and motion sickness are linked 由于人類的聽力以及運動感知都用到了內耳和類似的感官,而低頻的運動會產生低頻的聲響,所以低頻的聲響與運動病相連系(暈車,暈船,暈機) ,一點也不奇怪

Eat a lot of fruits and avoid food high in sodium and salt . if you get motion sick easily , you may be more comfortable if you take some sort of motion sickness drug before you fly . note that you must take the drugs before you get sick 人體在高空時體內的氣體比在地面時增加兩倍,因此行前忌食多纖維油膩含高動物蛋白和容易產生氣體的食物,否則會加重胸悶腹脹的感覺。

Besides , you may consider to bring along some medications and items for emergency use , such as drugs for headache and motion sickness , bandages and mosquito repellent , etc 另外,亦可帶備一些應急藥物及用品,如頭痛藥、暈浪藥、藥用膠布及驅蚊劑等。

Attendant : okey , i ' ll get something for you right away . here ' s some motion sickness medication and a cup of water . also , this cool towel might help you feel better 好的,我馬上給你.這是暈機藥和一杯水,另外,這張濕毛巾會讓你感覺舒服點

You should also prepare some medication and first aid materials such as band - aid , bandage , drugs for fever and motion sickness 此外,出外旅游最好配備輕便藥箱,包括消毒藥膏、膠布、藥棉、驅蚊水、退燒藥和暈浪丸等,以便不時之需。

Vivi : dramamine ! just take it and trust me you ' ll be fine . let ' s go up to the deck and lying in the sun and forget about the motion sickness 抗暈藥!服下它然后相信自己會沒事的!讓我們一起到上面的甲板上躺曬太陽然后忘記你的暈船

Motion sickness is caused by a conflict between the body s sense of vision and its sense of equilibrium and may worsen during turbulence 暈機癥狀是由于身體的視覺與平衡感未能協調而引致的。飛機遇上氣流時,不適感覺會更為強烈。

The real issue is to design the building such that the motion of the building is imperceptible so the occupants don ' t suffer from motion sickness 最終的結果是要把建筑的運動線路設計得很巧妙,不能讓樓里的人感到眩暈。

Used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders , motion sickness premenstrual tension , bed - wetting and urinary frequency 用于治療胃腸功能紊亂、暈動病、經前緊張、尿床和尿頻。

Common drugs such as those for treatment of diarrhea , motion sickness and fever are always useful 另外,亦要帶備一些旅行時常用藥物,例如:退燒藥、止瀉藥,暈浪丸等。

Common drugs such as those for treatment of diarrhea , motion sickness and fever are always useful 另外,亦要帶備一些旅行時常用藥物,例如:退燒藥止瀉藥,暈浪丸等。

Orientation taping magnetic granules at auricular points and neiguan for prevention and treatment of 102 cases of motion sickness 耳穴配合內關貼磁防治暈動癥102例

If you suffer from motion sickness , 若出現暈機,

Use scopolamine hydrobromide in treating 20 cases of motion sickness 氫溴酸東莨菪堿治療暈動癥20例

Prevention and treatment of sea motion sickness 航海暈動病的防治

Update of the neural pathway research of motion sickness 運動病的神經通路研究進展

Progress in the research of anti - motion sickness drugs 抗運動病藥物的研究進展

All agents used to combat motion sickness should be given prophylactically . 所有用作抗暈動病的藥物,都應采取預防給藥。